Rabu, 18 Desember 2013

Ayam Goreng Kecap Pedas)

Hey , welcome back again to seleranusantara , the biggest Asian Food Recipe Site. Now Seleranusantara not only share Asian & Indonesian cuisine recipe but we will also share many recipes from all over the world, such as European and American food recipe. Today i'll share one of best Indonesian recipe named Spicy Soy Sauce Fried Chicken Recipe or more popular as Resep Ayam Goreng Kecap Pedas in Asia. This food is very delicious, just follow the instruction and the right ingredients, you will success.

Ingredients :

-1 Chickens (plus minus 600 gr), cut it into pieces (1 ekor ayam (kurleb 600 gr), potong2)
-Orange juice (air jeruk)
-1 Teaspoon salt (1 sdt garam)
-1 / 2 tsp garlic powder (1/2 sdt bawang putih bubuk)
-1 / 4 tsp ginger powder (1/4 sdt jahe bubuk)
-8 Onion, ground coarse (8 bawang merah, ditumbuk kasar)
-4 Tablespoons sweet soy sauce (4 sdm kecap manis)
-1 Tsp sugar (1 sdt gula pasir)
-100 Ml water (100 ml air)
-3 Limo orange bh (3 bh jeruk limo)
-Cooking oil, for sauteing (minyak goreng, untuk menumis)


-10 Chili, stew had (10 cabe rawit, rebus dulu)
-1 / 2 teaspoon salt (1/2 sdt garam)
-1 / 4 teaspoon nutmeg (1/4 sdt pala)
-1 / 2 tsp pepper (1/2 sdt merica)
-4 BTR hazelnut, toasted / fried till fragrant (4 btr kemiri, sangrai/goreng sampai harum)

How to Cook :

-Aym-Soak with lemon for a few moments. (Rendam aym dengan jeruk nipis selama beberapa saat)
-Then, wash and drain (Kemudian cuci, tiriskan).
-Marinate chicken with salt, garlic and ginger, let it in the refrigerator until absorbed (Lumuri ayam dgn garam, bawang putih dan jahe, biarkan dalam kulkas sampai menyerap)
Then the chicken-fried until cooked, set aside (Kemudian goreng ayam sampai matang, sisihkan)
-Saute the onion until fragrant(Tumis bawang merah hingga harum)
-Put In the spices, water, soy sauce, sugar and fried chicken (Masukkan bumbu halus, air, kecap, gula dan ayam goreng)
-Cook over low heat until sauce thickens and absorbs seasonings (Masak dengan api kecil hingga bumbu menyerap dan kuah mengental)
-Taste it (Cicipi rasanya)
-Prior to his appointment, give lemon juice limo (Sebelum diangkat, beri perasan air jeruk limo)

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